Festive Weekend On-Tap, Bonus Days?

The weekend is shaping-up nicely! Fresh snow fell across the resort this passed week, giving our Snow Cat Fleet great snow to work with. The Fleet has been out grooming the slopes into fresh corduroy each night, with the welcomed new snow adding to our existing base of snow. The team was also out rebuilding the Tubing Park base and lanes of snow! All is ready for you to get out here and have some fun skiing, snowboarding, and snowtubing!!
The Woods Terrain Park Crew was hard at it this week too, refreshing the parks after the new snowfall, plus building the St. Patty's Day Jam Special Feature for this Saturday.
Snow Trails will remain open through 5PM Sunday, March 16th. Stay tuned, as weather and resort traffic will help us to determine if "Bonus Days" will be possible beyond this weekend. To note and squash the myth, insurance has nothing to do with these decisions. All is subject to change.
Saturday, March 15th
9AM- 9:30PM
Value Season Rates- Weekday Pricing on the Weekends
Weekend Festivities for St. Patty’s Day
Grill setup for a Ski Lodge Deck Day
Be festive and Wear your Green!
>>St. Patty’s Day Jam Special Feature
All Day Event, with Spacecraft Collective hanging-out tossing swag mid-day.
Athletes putting on a show within view of Ski Lodge Deck!
Photo Credit: Arkphotodesign.com
Sunday, March 16th Final Day 2013-'14
9AM- 5PM
Special Pricing:
$15 Lift Ticket- All Ages
$15 Equipment Rental- All Ages
Tubing Park
Friday, March 14th & Saturday, March 15th
9AM- 9:30PM
Standard Rates
Sunday, March 16th Final Day 2013-'14
9AM- 5PM
Standard Rates
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